CD Evacuation Of The Voice, Miguel Prado & Mattin

10 CD-Box and 44 page booklet "Evacuation of the Voice” by Miguel Prado & Mattin

CD Evacuation Of The Voice, Miguel Prado & Mattin

10 CD-Box and 44 page booklet "Evacuation of the Voice” by Miguel Prado & Mattin


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This box has 10 CDs and also a book "Evacuation Of The Voice" by Miguel Prado and Mattin.

The CD's featured contributions from Rayya Badran, Robin Mackay and Reza Negarestani.

Mattin and Miguel Prado met in La Coruña in 2007 and have since shared their long-term interest in voice in the context of improvisation and noise. Since 2011, they have been developing the Evacuation of the Voice (EOTV) project which, in addition to this edition, also includes Mattin's solo LP "Object of Thought" and Miguel Prado's text "Geotraumatical Evacuation of the Voice".

The need for the "voice evacuation" emerges as an inseparable process of the dismantling of the "face" as a representation of the "I" conveyed by capitalism. In 2014, the artists performed ten one-hour performances where they attempted, performatively, to evacuate the voice from their bodies , resorting to a process of "subjective depersonalization". The distancing of thought with the refusal of "aesthetic idiomatic expressions of a generic character" appears as a way of trying to "understand our psychological, physiological and neurobiological conditions from an external perspective".

The recordings of the performances are now published together with reflections from artists, thinkers and philosophers as contributions to the necessary analysis of the results. 

Musical Gender: Electronic, Non-Musical, Classical.


Data sheet

13 x 13,5 cm
Mattin e Miguel Prado

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